Yet for 50 Righteous – Are You one of the 50?

Israel wondered in the wilderness because of their disobedience and failure to trust God. Years later they followed God into the promised land. Over time they once again disobeyed God and suffered the consequences of their sin. God saved them again, and they rebelled again. The pattern repeated over and over. This pattern still happens today.

I trust God, then I run ahead of Him, then I call on Him to save me. I trust God, then I run ahead of Him again, then I call on Him to save me again. The pattern is repeated, yet He saves me each time.

I feel like our nation is in a wilderness. Instead of returning to God, we are moving downhill. Like a snowball gaining traction and picking up more snow as it goes, the sins of our nation are no longer slowly bringing us down. They are snowballing.

We once trusted God. Then we ran on our own. Then we called on God to save us. The pattern repeats, yet this time the snowball has all but buried the call to return to Him.

Abraham prayed for God to spare Sodom and Gomorrah for the righteousness of a few. Sadly, not even ten were found. My prayer is for God to bring revival to America because of the few righteous. I pray there are enough.

As Christians we stand righteous before God because of Christ, yet we still have the choice to stand on God’s word and follow Him or live in disobedience. We have a choice to be faithful even in the least. My prayer is Lord, yet for the faithful would you save our nation?

While Abraham prayed, not fifty were found, not even ten were found. While we sit back comfortably saying well there are a lot of Christians, we need to remember the original question from Abraham, Lord if there are fifty righteous would you save? In light of our righteousness through Christ, I believe today that would be the equivalent of are there fifty faithful.

We must not claim our righteousness in Christ as a free ticket or try to appear faithful to others. Faithfulness in our heart is what matters. The Lord looks on the heart.

I don’t know your heart or the heart of anyone else. I only know my heart. I can’t compare myself with others. My only example and comparison is Jesus. That is my goal. It’s a lifetime goal that will not change. I will set small goals along the way to get me to the end. If I’m faithful, then each year I will grow closer to the goal. In the end, I will be made complete in Him and will have reached my goal, because of Christ. Yet I want to be counted among the few that stood firm and faithful before the end.

Join me in praying for our nation, for the righteous, and for the faithful few.

Lord, yet for the few that stand faithful, bring healing and forgiveness to our nation. Turn the hearts of those around us to you. And in whatever way you can use me, I want to be counted among those you use to bring us back to you.


    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    Great message! Timely and true and needed. It’s time to wake the lions instead of tending the sheep.

    • Donna Nabors says:

      I love that. Wake the lions instead of tending the sheep. Thanks for sharing this.

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