What’s In the Way?

I think every major road in the Dallas/Fort Worth area is under construction. As soon as one project is completed, another is started. The mess has also spilled over onto some of the side roads. Trying to get somewhere more than a few miles from home usually includes roadblocks and detours.

It now becomes even more frustrating since the holidays are over and everyone is back to work, back to school, or back to their normal routines, which somehow includes driving on my roadway commutes.

There are cars in my way, there are people in my way, and there are orange construction barrels in my way. Everywhere I go, something is in the way of my tried and true path.

The same thing happens in other areas of my life too. I can’t get to where I want to be, but even more important, I can’t get to where I need to be.


Where I WANT to be:

Sometimes family and friends are in the way of the day I had planned for myself.

Sometimes a coworker is in the way of that finished project.

Sometimes unexpected bills are in the way of my next purchase.


Where I NEED to be:

If I’m honest, sometimes the internet, social media, and TV programs are in the way of where I need to be.

Many times my expectations, emotions, and attitudes are the things in the way.

Where do I really need to be? What’s in the way? Sometimes it’s just me in the way — my selfish desires, my laziness, my earthly pleasures.


Where do you want to be as we take off into 2023? Where do you need to be this year?

You may want to be sleeping an extra fifteen minutes, but you may need to be spending that time with God.

You may want to be at home relaxing, but you may need to be giving grace and kindness to the cashier at Walmart.

You may want to be left alone, but you may need to be holding someone’s hand.

You may want someone to help you, but you may need to be helping someone else.


Most important:     Is where you WANT to be where you NEED to be?

Lining up our want-to’s with our need-to’s is an opportunity to start the new year right.


“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippian 4:19).


    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    Well… thanks for the Monday morning cup of conviction! I do think sometimes my problem stems from confusing which are wants and which are needs, especially when it comes to my writing. But I appreciate this iron sharpening iron message and the friendship that goes with it. This is the filter I need to use when planning out my time.

    • Donna Nabors says:

      You can be sure that any conviction started with my own. Sometimes it gets confusing lining up my wants and needs, but His Word sets me straight.

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