Is it Too Late to be Thankful?

Thanksgiving 2023 has come and gone. The month of November has been filled with the countdown of days to be thankful. Posts were made about all we have in which to be grateful. And now we move on to the next season.

But wait! Is it too late to be thankful? Is our thankfulness really reserved for one month each year?

Christmas is a season of giving. We have Secret Santas at work where we secretly leave gifts for a coworker. This is so fun. We have luncheons and parties where we exchange ornaments, cookies, and gifts. I’m hosting a Christmas brunch this year to provide the gift of time to relax and fellowship, and yes, there will be food.

In a way, our gifts to others are an expression of our thanks for their lives. When you pick out that special gift for someone, you are loving and blessing and thanking them for who they are. Maybe our gifts this year should truly reflect our thanks for others, for their lives, for what they mean to us.

But wait! There is more. What if one of our goals in the New Year is thankfulness. We can pick 52 things or people to be thankful for, one for each week. I am, so, doing this in 2024. And I might even start in December, which gives me an extra 4 weeks of thankfulness.

What are you thankful for? Who are you showing your thanks to in this coming season of giving. Above all else, let’s share with them our reason for the season giving them joy.

If you’ve withheld thankfulness from a friend or family member or if you’ve wallowed in self-pity for what you think you don’t have, it’s never too late to be thankful. Thank a friend, thank a family member, and remember to thank God.  What are you thankful for today?


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