I Don’t Want To

We’ve all heard children say, “I don’t want to.” We usually hear this when we’re trying to get them to do something they need to do like get dressed, eat vegetables, stop playing, put away their toys, or go to bed. I respect the honesty of children. They don’t naturally make excuses. They learn that from us. Children just tell us the truth, “I don’t want to.”

As adults we tend to say, “I really want to, BUT . . .”

“. . . I don’t have time.”

“. . . I am too tired.”

“. . . it is too hard.”

The truth is that we do what we want to do. There are things we know are good for us, but we only do them if we want to. I say, “I want to lose weight and be physically fit.”  But do I? This involves eating right and exercising. I say, “I want a closer relationship with Christ.” But do I? This involves spending time with Him.

What do we really want from life? We can give excuses to others, but God knows our heart.

Some things we can’t change, but others we can. I challenge you to take time as this week begins to look back at last week and then look at your schedule for this week. Is this really what you want? If not, then make time for what you do really want.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). What do you want?



    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    I’m literally sitting under a blanket on my bed eating sugar free Reeses and drinking diet cherry coke as I read this. Thanks for the unwanted–but needed–dose of conviction.

    • Donna Nabors says:

      I always say the diet starts tomorrow, until I really want to. Thanks for reading and for your support.

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