Happy Spring – He is STILL Risen

Just over a week ago we celebrated and rejoiced in our risen Savior.

Will we continue to remember and celebrate the Resurrection next week, next month, or any time before we remember again next year?

Each year we celebrate the team that wins the Super Bowl. There are winners of the trophy for every sport depending on which one you follow. We celebrate the winner of our favorite talent competition. We celebrate the winners of our children’s dance and band competitions. But each year we celebrate a new team or individual, and the ones from years before may soon be forgotten.

Each year we also celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas and His death for our sins and Resurrection of Hope at Easter. This is always the same – we celebrate Jesus Christ. No one else. Yet, in our day to day lives, do we remember? Or does it take a reminder of the upcoming season to pierce our hearts?

Christmas is shared with Santa, and there are traditions with reasons for why a tree and decorations and gifts. Easter is shared with bunnies delivering eggs. This year I read a tradition about eggs that sounded spiritual. Whatever traditions you observe and remember on those days, remember that Santa goes back to the North Pole along with the Elf on the Shelf. The Easter Bunny goes back to fairy tale land to gather more eggs for next year.

Most important to remember is that Christ is STILL Risen today and every day, sharing that fact with no one else. He doesn’t leave us, returning only for a season. He is always with us and the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Merry Christmas, Happy Easter, Happy Spring, and may you rejoice in Jesus Christ, EVERY DAY!

Jesus Christ – “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12).


    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    So true! Jesus doesn’t leave us and He is the ultimate winner for all eternity. Let’s celebrate the most incredible, life changing victory in the history of mankind every day.

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