Grace, Gratitude, and Glory

Ever needed compassion? I’m sure we all have in one way or another. Compassion for a mistake or compassion for a need. In Luke 17:11-19, ten men with leprosy asked Jesus for compassion. And He delivered.

Jesus told them to “Go” to the priest. As they obeyed, they were cleansed. That is compassion as only God can give. That is the grace of God.

But only one of these ten turned back to Jesus to express gratitude and give glory to God. Great commentator Matthew Henry notes that he turned back because he wanted Jesus to have the glory before he himself received the benefit of a priestly declaration of cleanness.

Jesus asked, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?”

After this one man gave gratitude to Jesus and glory to God, Jesus told him to stand up and, again, go. Get up and go. Resume your journey. But before the healed man left, Jesus told him , “Your faith has made you well.”

This man, one of the ten, received more than the compassion of physical healing. He received both healing of the body and the heart. Another commentator notes this as a miracle of grace within his soul.

This is a true story of grace, gratitude, and glory.

In our own lives, sometimes God’s compassion is given through a command to do something. We receive compassion and grace when we obey. Our response should be expressing our gratitude and giving the glory to God.

May we be open to recognizing not just our need for compassion but also the grace that comes in receiving.

May we express gratitude for the personal healing we receive as well as the spiritual He provides.

May we give all the glory to God.

Our lives are a story of grace. I pray they are also a story of gratitude and glory.

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