Flowers for the Princess – Happy Father’s Day

My granddaughter has two brothers and of my six grandchildren is the only girl. She is our princess. She started taking dance classes several years ago. When my daughter took dance, there was a big recital at the end of the year, and most of the parents brought flowers for their daughters. Now there seem to be multiple recitals and competitions each year. Lots of flowers.

After my granddaughter’s first recital, her daddy gave her flowers. After the second performance, her daddy gave her flowers. Let’s just say, she started expecting flowers from her daddy. It’s sweet to watch him give her the flowers. She smiles and thanks him, but I love watching his smile looking at her. It’s even bigger than hers.

There is now a mother-daughter dance and father-daughter dance in the final recital each year. Because my daughter took dance, this comes natural to her, and she enjoys dancing with her daughter. But dad is a different story. This is so out of character for him, which makes it extra special to watch. The beaming smile on his face while doing this for her is such a blessing to watch. He loves his little girl so much.

And now as Father’s Day approaches, I think of the great love between fathers and daughters (and sons too). My own dad went to be with the Lord almost 18 years ago, so this year I will again honor my husband as a great father and papa, my son who is a father to three, and my son-in-law who is also a father to three, including the princess.

I also want to make a special effort to remember my Heavenly Father. I want to give Him blessing and honor on the day we celebrate fathers. As scripture says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (James 1:17).

As I think about how to make this Father’s Day special for not only the earthly fathers in my life but also my Heavenly Father, I am looking for suggestions. What are your ideas for making this Father’s Day a special day for the earthly fathers in your life and for your Heavenly Father?


1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    I’m taking the earthly father to the mountains so we can spend some time resting and hearing from the Heavenly Father surrounded by His glorious creation. Excellent message.

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