Living for Tomorrow, but What about Today?
I’m a planner, always planning for the next trip or the next event. I have a list prepared for what to do tonight, what to…
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Flimsy Excuses
I was reminded recently of a writer’s workshop I once attended. During one of the sessions, we were given a writing prompt and told to…
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Seeking a Better View
I am short in stature. I’m over 5 feet tall, barely. I climb the shelves at the grocery store to reach items on the top…
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Clean Body — Clean House — Clean Heart
No, this is not a blog about cleaning. At least, not exactly. I’m not going to ask you to make a list or give you…
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Yet for 50 Righteous – Are You one of the 50?
Israel wondered in the wilderness because of their disobedience and failure to trust God. Years later they followed God into the promised land. Over time…
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