The Day After Love
He loves me! He loves me not! He loves me! He loves me not! He loves me! Maybe you received flowers or chocolate or perfume…
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Sticks and Stones
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. I remember learning to say this as a child if someone at…
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Clean it Before it Gets Dirty
How often do you clean the glass in your shower or your bathroom mirror? There are many answers ranging from never, to when you can’t…
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Christmas is Over – What Now?
I love placing lots of gifts under the Christmas tree. As gifts appear and begin to surround and creep out from under the limbs, the…
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Is it Too Late to be Thankful?
Thanksgiving 2023 has come and gone. The month of November has been filled with the countdown of days to be thankful. Posts were made about…
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