Playing in the Symphony of Life

I occasionally see posts that ask, “How old were you when you found out __________ about a product?” Then everyone says, “today years old.” There are some interesting things about products I never knew. Factors in how a product was made that seem random but were designed for a purpose.

There are things about you and me that might seem random also, but we were each made unique for a purpose. And our purposes were each made to work together.

Most of us have heard Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” I love the picture of a butterfly representing transformation based on the word in this passage where we get our word metamorphosis.

What we often forget is the purpose of our transformation. If we keep reading in Romans 12, we find we are transformed to serve God and others. We are members of one body having different functions. We have individual gifts working together in the body of Christ as a whole.

Have you ever been to a band concert and gotten there early? As the band members are warming up, they may all be playing different notes or rhythms randomly. There is usually a bit of discord. Once the concert begins, the instruments play their parts in sync with the others, some a melody and some making up the chord. Together, they harmonize and give a full, robust sound.

While we may have come to hear our child or grandchild play or we may be at a professional concert, we are not there for just one instrument, but the symphony. No matter how much we love our children and grandchildren, we really don’t want them to stand out above everyone else. That might actually be embarrassing.

Our lives as part of the body of Christ are similar. Our individual gifts work best in conjunction with others providing a symphony on display and heard by the world around us.

Are we working together with our gifts to bless others in the symphony of Christ? Or are we playing alone or maybe not at all leaving a hole in the musical score? Consider what part God has called you to play, and be transformed to play it.

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