Silver Bells

I love Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year. Just like the song says, in the air there’s a feeling of Christmas. The smell of Christmas trees and greenery, the sight of decorations and lights, the sound of bells and carols, the taste of chocolate fudge and banana bread, and the feeling of wonder are all part of this season.

Everywhere you look, you can find Christmas. Even stoplights blink bright red and green. It’s Christmas time in the city and everywhere.

When I think of silver bells ringing at Christmas, I think of angels singing. Although scripture doesn’t actually say the angels sang at the birth of Christ, it does say they praised God. “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:13-14).

The angels praised God and called the shepherds to worship Him also. Music is a large part of worship in our churches, and bell choirs have performed melodies for Christmas for years. Bells have also rung in the steeples of churches in years past calling others to worship.

I don’t hear bells at church anymore, but other things call me to worship any time of day. Christmas carols call me to worship. Scripture telling of the birth of Jesus calls me to worship. Counting my blessings calls me to worship. Giving gifts and helping others in need calls me to worship. Prayer calls me to worship.

What calls you to worship? Remember to worship our Savior, and remember Silver Bells reminding us that soon it will be Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas!

1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    The birds, trees, a gentle breeze, fellowship with a good friend, the laughter of a toddler. So many things move my heart to worship. Thanks for these beautiful words Donna.

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