What’s Your Superpower?

Have you been at a gathering with a get-to-know you ice breaker? One of the questions that always gets asked is,

“If you could have one superpower, what would it be? X-ray vision? Invisibility? The ability to fly?”

Sometimes I think I already have one of these. Invisibility. As a child, teenager, and even young adult, I often felt as though no one saw me. At a school dance, no one noticed me standing next to the wall. They probably didn’t remember I was there. The term wallflower comes to mind. I should have gotten an award for holding up the walls at my high school. I can still walk into a room where I don’t know anyone and blend into the crowd unnoticed.

During a recent gathering I attended, once again, I wasn’t seen. Actually, I’m sure I was. I just felt like I wasn’t. I interacted with a few ladies, but the leader of the event totally missed me when making a few introductions where I should have been included.

But God sees me. Always.

On the flip side, I’m not necessarily comfortable being seen. I’ve never wanted to be the center of attention. I enjoy receiving accolades, yet I’m not necessarily comfortable with public acknowledgement.

I may never know for sure when others see me (my feelings are not an accurate indicator), but when they do, I want to reflect Him. I want to be seen because of His light. I only want to stand out because others see God’s love reflected through me.

I don’t want to be seen because of anything I have done or by an effort on my part to be seen. I want to wait for His calling from out of the shadows. His calling. His timing. His glory.

Wait on God. When He does call us out of the shadows, we will be cast in the light of His presence. We will be seen not because of who we are but because of who He is and who He has made us to be. That is a spotlight I can be comfortable with, because I am standing in His light. I represent Him. I stand in the light of His presence.


    The Conversation

  1. Lori Altebaumer says:

    I can totally relate to this! I never felt seen growing up. I was most definitely a wall flower. But if I’m honest, I have experienced God calling me out more lately–not so I can be seen but so he can! When it’s people see, then I’ve probably done something silly or insensitive that’s drawn the attention. But when people seem drawn or encouraged or just as though they’ve received something positive by my presence, then I know it is all God. (P.S. I’ve seen the pictures of you when you were younger and I can’t believe the boys let you be a wallflower!)

    • Donna Nabors says:

      I love the insight as to when others are drawn or encouraged by God. And as far as high school, thanks for your kind words. It’s that superpower of invisibility. And that just means He gets the glory when something outstanding happens. Thanks for sharing here.

  2. Carolyn Pingleton says:

    I totally relate to that!!! I was attending a Promotion Ceremony. No one saw me or spoke to me. Wives, families that I did not know. No one introduced me. I don’t think they even saw me. Don’t know …but mine is invisibility, too. Even in the middle of a crowd, I am unseen , always been that way. But, I thank God every day that He sees me. I feel He is calling me to come out but… I will know it when it’s right. I love that saying: His calling. His timing. His glory.

    • Donna Nabors says:

      Yes, Carolyn, you will know His timing for the calling He has given you. Then He gets the glory because it’s all Him! Thank you for sharing.

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